Salvation Army Kettle

On Dec 9 OCC is looking after the Salvation Army Kettle at Walmart
Sign up at the welcome centre at OCC (1 hour shifts)
There are a few spots left

CAP money course

We have put this course off until January 2020

OCC is offering a free money course that will help you get more in control of your finances so you can save, give, and prevent debt. This is not designed for investing but is a basic money course in non-technical language that is for everyone.

If you’re interested,

  • jot a note on your bulletin tear-off on a Sunday and drop it in the offering plate
  • send us an email

For more details you can speak to Dan Sawatsky.


G from A in E

On October 18-20 we have the privilege of having G with us.

G is a friend of OCC – we are Kataysa

    • G will be with our youth on Friday night
    • We will have breakfast with him on Saturday morning (sign up at the welcome desk at OCC) or by sending us an email
  • & he will be speaking on Sunday morning

We will also be taking a special offering for discipleship ministries in the Afar

Family Fun Night

Thursday – 31 October – 5:30-7:00pm

You can be a part of this great event
Ahead of time

  • you can donate candy
  • you can help make a new game
  • you can help with set up

The night of the Fun Night

  • you can help with food
  • you can help run a game
  • you can help with clean up

one anothers

There are almost 60 “one another” statements in the New Testament. Exhortations in scripture to actually “do” something towards another person.

These are behaviours we do out of an overflow of our relationship with Jesus, but they are not things that we do unto Jesus. Other people must be involved in order to fulfill them.

Many of them have been taught but they are to be lived out in our relationships both within the context of church programming, and in all aspects of interactions as the family of God.

You can download the list here: one anothers


Pick up your shoebox & begin packing so you can bless others.
Here are some gift ideas. Here is the top 100 items.
You can also pack a shoebox online here.

As you are doing that be praying

  • for all the boys & girls who will receive a shoebox
  • for the 12 lesson follow up evangelism/discipleship program “The Greatest Journey
  • for all the volunteers who collect, inspect and distribute the gifts

Since 1993, Samaritan’s Purse has collected and delivered more than 157 million shoebox gifts to children in more than 160 countries and territories,

Return by Thursday 21 November

Psalms of Ascent

We are into my favourite psalms – Psalms 120-134.
These are called the “Song of Ascents” or “Pilgrim Songs”.
Many scholars believe that these psalms were sung by worshippers as they ascended the road to Jerusalem to attend the three pilgrim festivals in Judaism – Pesach (Passover), Shavuot (Weeks or Pentecost), and Sukkot (Tabernacles, Tents or Booths).
I would encourage you to read these psalms out loud, and maybe even walking around.

Take Heart – Matthew 11

Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” ~Matthew 11:28-30 MSG

Jesus invites us… into his presence.

Not into a bunch of rules, or do’s and don’ts, but into his presence:

where we can know him and be known by him,
where we can find hope and meaning, forgiveness and joy, peace and rest,
where we can be who he has created us to be – whole in him

Today, may you find rest in him, rest in the midst of whatever it is you are called to do.

film: the twelve thousand

On Tuesday 24 September at 7pm, OCC is hosting a showing of the film

The Twelve Thousand


check out the website for details about this ministry

watch the trailer

Take Heart: powerlessness

Henri Nouwen, in Reaching Out: The Three Movements of the Spiritual Life asks

What keeps us from opening to the reality of the world?

Could it be that we cannot accept our powerlessness and are only willing to see those wounds that we can heal?

Could it be that we do not want to give up our illusion that we are masters over our world and, therefore, create our own Disneyland where we can make ourselves believe that all events of life are safely under control?

Could it be that our blindness and deafness are signs of our own resistance to acknowledging that we are not the Lord of the Universe?

It is hard to allow these questions to go beyond the level of rhetoric and to really sense in our innermost self how much we resent our powerlessness.