2 Thessalonians 1:3-4

You need to know, friends, that thanking God over and over for you is not only a pleasure; it’s a must. We have to do it. Your faith is growing phenomenally; your love for each other is developing wonderfully. Why, it’s only right that we give thanks. We’re so proud of you; you’re so steady and determined in your faith despite all the hard times that have come down on you. We tell everyone we meet in the churches all about you.


Paul immediately launches into thanksgiving for the Thessalonian’s perseverance in their faith despite adversity.

“Despite adversity”. I have been saying it a lot recently but the COVID-19 weeks and months might be when we begin to read the Bible in the context that it was written in and indeed the context that the first readers read it in. Most of the Bible is written in times of adversity whether in slavery, wandering in the desert, at war or in exile, under oppressive Pharaohs, Herods, or Caesars.

Paul is impressed by how the Thessalonians dealt with their adversity. May this be true of us in this season:
“Your faith is growing phenomenally; your love for each other is developing wonderfully.”

Intro OCC online

Welcome to OCC online
In a time of a new normal, we need to do things differently.
This is a start.
We will not be live-streaming a service.

On Sunday morning or earlier as we start to move in a new rhythm, there will be some posts including

  • songs to help us worship in this time
  • some direction on prayer
  • a reflection on the theme we are working through right now: The Normal Christian Life
  • some guided reflection questions

In addition, during the week, there will be additional posts, videos and other resources to encourage us in this new time.

  • So bookmark this webpage.
  • Feel free to share it with others.
  • Be in touch with each other.

2 Thessalonians 3:16

Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.

helping neighbours

Some of you may have neighbours you want to connect with and assist if they are self-isolating.

Here is a card you can print off and put in their mail box

Covid-I can help card

OCCKids resources

Here are some OCCKids resources from pastor Brent
  1. A list of OCCKids Resources for families. There will be more that we add as time goes on.
  2. God Is Help – March 22 is the bible story and activities that are part of our Sunday school curriculum.
  3. Colouring pages (When You Feel Anxious) that are from a company we have used before. These are offered as a start and people can sign up to receive more through their website. This is referenced in the resource pdf.


Finances at OCC

Expenses at OCC continue. The Leadership Team at OCC wants to thank you for your faithfulness in giving to the ministry of OCC.

There are several ways you can give during this time:

  • You can drop your offering off at the OCC building, either when there is someone in the building or through the mail slot (in the front glass panel, nearest to the driveway).
  • You can mail your offering to
    64 Colborne St E
    Orillia, ON, L3V 1T6
  • You can give by e-transfer. Use the following email address when using e-transfer for your offering: finance@occweb.org.
  • You can give via PayPal. The easiest way to go to https://occweb.org/online-giving/ and click on the donate button.

no services at OCC

Dear OCCers,

We will not be meeting together for the next few weeks (until at least April 19). Our Leadership Team, following the Ministry of Health, will evaluate the situation on an on-going basis.

Follow OCC updates for details on how we are going to work together over this next season, even while we can’t meet face to face. We will not be live-streaming our service. But we will be creating or linking to video, graphic and written content to enable us to enter into worship, to dig into God’s Word, to pray for one another, and encourage us to care for OCC and our neighbours. We will also be creating or linking you to resources for OCCKids, OCCYouth and families.

We can walk through these days, together, with God’s strength and presence.

A few things to note:

  • Practice “social distancing.” That means keep your distance from others. Don’t meet with others.
  • When you do have to go out, to get groceries and other necessities, please wash your hands vigorously. If you are unable to get out because you are in quarantine or self-isolating because you have just returned from out of Canada, please let us know – we will do that for you.
  • Do get out and get some fresh air and exercise, but do that alone, or with your family.
  • Please keep in contact with those who are older or whom you know have health issues by text, phone, email or social media to ensure their safety and well being. While we cannot gather together, and some are in quarantine or self-isolating, we want to do our best to make sure that everyone feels connected. Isolation MUST NOT mean alienated or forgotten.
  • Listen to that nudge of the Holy Spirit. Maybe make one or two calls a day – you will bless others and you will be blessed as well.
  • Expenses at OCC continue. We are taking steps to reduce these as much as possible. The Leadership Team at OCC wants to thank you for your faithfulness in giving to the ministry of OCC. You can give online, by e-transfer, or mail. See the above link for all the details.

This is a time for grace and imagination. As well as a crisis, it is an opportunity to follow Jesus in loving our neighbour. Let us be ready to respond to the needs of family, OCC, neighbours and even strangers. We love our community and want to ensure its thriving for the sake of our life together and for all our neighbours in our spread-out-all-over-Orillia-and-area church.

We live in a world where all creation is groaning and we ourselves are groaning as we wait for the adoption of the children of God and for the redemption that is ours through Christ. Christians have generally been at their best when everyone else around them is consumed with panic. We are faith people and love people and serve others even when it costs us. Let’s be those people now when it counts. If you have any questions, please let us know.


In Christ,
pastor Mike

For up-to-date information follow the Government of Canada public health site:

Simcoe Muskoka Public Health site:

OCC website


occ 2020 letter 2 letterhead

Praying for…

Every few days we will post some specific things to be praying for.

We want to start by praying for all those working in health care and related fields.

  • doctors
  • nurses
  • nurse-practitioners
  • technicians
  • cleaning staff
  • administrators
  • PSWs
  • pharmacists
  • and so many more

We also want to pray for those in hospital and nursing homes who now have far less contact with family and friends.

As well we want to pray for those who have had tests, procedures and surgeries postponed.

Psalm 99:1-5

The Lord reigns,
    let the nations tremble;
he sits enthroned between the cherubim,
    let the earth shake.
Great is the Lord in Zion;
    he is exalted over all the nations.
Let them praise your great and awesome name—
    he is holy.

The King is mighty, he loves justice—
    you have established equity;
in Jacob you have done
    what is just and right.
Exalt the Lord our God
    and worship at his footstool;
    he is holy.

Sunday March 22

OCC will not be meeting together this Sunday or for the next few weeks (until at least April 19).
Watch this page for details on how we are going to build community over these next weeks, even while we can’t meet face to face. We will not be streaming a service. We will be creating video, graphic and written content to enable us to enter into worship, to dig into God’s Word, to pray for one another, and encourage us to care for OCC and our neighbours. We will also be creating some resources for OCCKids, OCCYouth and families.
We will walk through these days together, with God’s strength and presence.