Advent RE-boot

Advent is an opportunity to RE-boot.

On our journey with God, we read and reflect on some of God’s Advent promises and their fulfilment or future fulfilment. We immerse ourselves in God’s promises as we seek to discover and join the Spirit on God’s mission in our neighbourhoods right where we are.

In this way, we will…

  • REmember God is, has been, and always will be at work out ahead of us;
  • REcognize God’s activity throughout history, in the world, in our lives, and neighbourhoods;
  • REflect on God at work and the implications and applications for our life and times;
  • REspond to the ways we discern the Spirit nudging us, pointing us to, and joining in with what God is doing in our neighbourhoods for the sake of the world God so loves!

Each day read, remember and recognize how God is at work.

Pray something like this:

Come, Lord, open our hearts, our homes, our communities

That we might wait with wonder and assurance

That we might prepare the way for the Chosen On according to Your agency.

Help us to remember and trust Your promises

Give us eyes to see and hearts to receive their fulfillment already and not yet.

Attune our minds and souls as we seek to discern and follow You at work out ahead of us


Right where we live in our ordinary, every day lives.

Fill us with Your love for all our neighbours, each and everyone

That we might love all You have made as You love us,

That there might be shalom and flourishing

In all the earth, for all the earth, Your Kingdom come!


May Your hope lead us,

May Your peace encourage us,

May Your joy uphold us,

May Your love encircle us,

That we might be people of hope, peace, joy, and love.

That we might respond to Your grace and favour with humility, faithfulness, and integrity. 


God of Hope

God of Hope
Help us see you in the darkness.
Help us to hear you in the silence.
Help us to taste and see that You are good.
Help us to trust in your goodness.
As we receive and remember your love, help us to share your light with those around us.
As we continue to hope for your Kingdom to come, help us to share this good news with those around us.
Our family
Our friends
Our teammates
Our faith communities
Our neighbourhoods
Our cities
May your Kingdom come in these places as we continually put our hope in Jesus.

Christmas in 3 words








We use a lot of words to describe Christmas.
As a way of helping us focus our thinking this Advent – Christmas season, we are inviting you to write a 3-word statement that describes an aspect of this season for you; and, if you are a little more adventurous, expand on that statement with a paragraph or 2.

For part (a) you can write your 3 words in the comments.
For part (b) send us your notes & we will publish them over advent.

27 November | Habakkuk 2

Thank you for joining us on-line.
OCC is made up of people who are meeting in-person and who are meeting on-line.

Welcome to OCC online | 27 November 2022

God calls all of us into his presence;

  • He calls us to be together both with him and with one another;
  • He calls us to wait with and for him;
  • He calls us to serve & bless others – those who are part of God’s kingdom and those who have not yet responded to God’s grace

As you prepare to watch our service video, we encourage you to take a few moments…

  • Get your coffee or tea, or maybe some lemonade this summer. Settle in, be still…
  • Take 2 or 3 deep breaths… in and out… breathe,
  • Invite the Lord to make himself present with you as you watch – he is with you – it’s just that often we are not aware that he is.
  • Focus on the reality of God’s Holy Spirit not just with you but in you.

Today in our in-person service, pastor Mike begins our Advent series.

This online sermon is part 2 of a 2 part series on Habakkuk.

Sunday  Night

6:30pm Zoom Prayer: link

7:00pm Youth @ OCC

Click the events tab to discover what is coming up.

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20 November | Habakkuk 1

Thank you for joining us on-line.
OCC is made up of people who are meeting in-person and who are meeting on-line.

Welcome to OCC online | 20 November 2022

God calls all of us into his presence;

  • He calls us to be together both with him and with one another;
  • He calls us to wait with and for him;
  • He calls us to serve & bless others – those who are part of God’s kingdom and those who have not yet responded to God’s grace

As you prepare to watch our service video, we encourage you to take a few moments…

  • Get your coffee or tea, or maybe some lemonade this summer. Settle in, be still…
  • Take 2 or 3 deep breaths… in and out… breathe,
  • Invite the Lord to make himself present with you as you watch – he is with you – it’s just that often we are not aware that he is.
  • Focus on the reality of God’s Holy Spirit not just with you but in you.

Today in our in-person service, pastor Mike continues a 2-part series from the book of Habakkuk.

This online sermon is part 1 of a 2 part series on Habakkuk.


6:30pm Zoom Prayer: link

7:00pm Youth @ OCC

Click the events tab to discover what is coming up.

Click on news & updates to get other updates.

13 November 2022

Thank you for joining us on-line.
OCC is made up of people who are meeting in-person and who are meeting on-line.

Welcome to OCC online | 13 November 2022

God calls all of us into his presence;

  • He calls us to be together both with him and with one another;
  • He calls us to wait with and for him;
  • He calls us to serve & bless others – those who are part of God’s kingdom and those who have not yet responded to God’s grace

As you prepare to watch our service video, we encourage you to take a few moments…

  • Get your coffee or tea, or maybe some lemonade this summer. Settle in, be still…
  • Take 2 or 3 deep breaths… in and out… breathe,
  • Invite the Lord to make himself present with you as you watch – he is with you – it’s just that often we are not aware that he is.
  • Focus on the reality of God’s Holy Spirit not just with you but in you.

Today in our in-person service, pastor Mike begins a 2-part series from the book of Habakkuk.

In this on-line service, Janice & Michael Bells are share bout their recent vision/mission tri[p to East Africa.



6:30pm Zoom Prayer: link

7:00pm Youth @ OCC

Click the events tab to discover what is coming up.

Click on news & updates to get other updates.

6 November – David Gillett

6 November 2022

Thank you for joining us on-line.
OCC is made up of people who are meeting in-person and who are meeting on-line.

Welcome to OCC online | 6 November 2022

God calls all of us into his presence;

  • He calls us to be together both with him and with one another;
  • He calls us to wait with and for him;
  • He calls us to serve & bless others – those who are part of God’s kingdom and those who have not yet responded to God’s grace

As you prepare to watch our service video, we encourage you to take a few moments…

  • Get your coffee or tea, or maybe some lemonade this summer. Settle in, be still…
  • Take 2 or 3 deep breaths… in and out… breathe,
  • Invite the Lord to make himself present with you as you watch – he is with you – it’s just that often we are not aware that he is.
  • Focus on the reality of God’s Holy Spirit not just with you but in you.

Today, Michael Bells, Janice Bells, and Judi Page are speaking in person at OCC sharing about their recent mission trip to Africa.

In this on-line service, David Gillett compels listeners through the Word of God to share the Gospel.


Zoom Prayer @ 6:30pm: link

Click on news & updates to get other updates.
57 words – the spiritual practice of praying.

Click the events tab to discover what is coming up.

Click on news & updates to get other updates.