July 12


Parable of the Wheat and the Weeds Additional service notes https://occweb.org/news-and-updates/july-12-parable-of-wheat-weeds/   

/ Jul. 12th 2020 / Matthew 13

July 5


Sunday, 5 July – Parables of The Mustard Seed and The Yeast Here’s the rest of the service notes July 5 – Parables of Mustard Seed & Yeast  

/ Jul. 5th 2020 / Matthew 13

June 21 – Parables – introduction


Parables kingdom paradox power The full service can be found here. This coming week read the Parable of the Sower Matthew 13:1-23 Mark 4:1-20 Luke 8:1-15 Subscribe to our YouTube page. Post your questions & reflections in the comments.  

/ Jun. 21st 2020

May 31


May 31 message – normal – commitment  The complete service can be found at: https://occweb.org/news-and-updates/sunday-may-31/ 

/ May. 31st 2020 / Matthew 13