Reading the Psalms

At OCC we believe that we need to immersed in the scriptures, we need to be reading the scriptures.

Starting June 10 we are reading through the Psalms…
you can get a printed copy at the OCC Welcome Centre
or you click on the link to download a pdf copy of the reading plan: Reading the Psalms
As usual, our reading plan is for 5 days a week, giving you a couple of days a week to catch up.

The Psalms express a wide range of emotion: thanksgiving; praise; lament; celebration; judgment; and wisdom.
In the Psalms, we find honest, sometimes brutal, expressions of the heart.
They are not a string of sentimental platitudes or religious propaganda.
No, the Psalms express the highest joy and the deepest sorrow; they plead with God, shout at God, and beg God for forgiveness. They lift up virtues and righteousness, and strongly condemn the ugly abuses people sometimes carry out. The Psalms tell of some of the attributes of God; the history of God; humanity’s great potential; and the darkness of human depravity.

As you read and reflect on the Psalms, let the words resonate in you. I find that reading the Psalms aloud helps me to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the psalmist’s longings for God. And because the Psalms are so expressive, I find the Message an excellent version to use for reading the Psalms.

If you want to listen to the Psalms sung, there is a group out of Australia called the Sons of Korah (you can check them out on YouTube). They are known for putting the Psalms to music, the lyrics for their songs are taken almost verbatim from the Psalms. Several psalms are introduced as being by the Sons of Korah: Psalms 42, 44–49, 84, 85, 87, and 88.

Lego Party

What a great time at the OCCKids Lego Party on 25 May
This Sunday, 2 June, we will show some highlights from the afternoon
Thank you to everyone who made it a great time.
A big shout out to Pastor Brent for all the planning.

Walk & Pray

The prophet Jeremiah recorded God’s word to his people in exile
seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.” Jeremiah 29:7

We are not in exile, but we are still called to seek the peace, the prosperity, the shalom, the flourishing of the city.

While it is true we can prayer anywhere, there is something powerful about praying on location.

This Sunday night – 2 June 2019 – 6:30pm – we are going to walk through the downtown part of city doing exactly that. As we pray, Orillia will prosper and we will prosper.

Join us as we walk and pray.

Prayer Ministry Training

God demonstrated his love to us by sending his son, Jesus.

Jesus demonstrated the Kingdom in very practical and real ways.

The Holy Spirit is in us to demonstrate the Father’s love to those around us – our neighbours.

We are invited and, if we follow Jesus, are commissioned to be agents of this love – to be people who expand the Kingdom of God where we live, work and play. Praying for others is a huge part of this.

We invite you to consider taking our Prayer Ministry Training sessions.

The first of these is being held Sunday, 2 June @ 5pm in Theatre 1 at OCC

Upside Down Kingdom – week 1

We start our series The Upside Down Kingdom by looking at Luke 14:1-14.
Here we see that the Jesus way…
the way that Jesus announces…
the way of the Kingdom…
really is upside down.

To live and love like Jesus means that we take our cues from him, not from our world.

And this is especially true around who we value, who we count as important and less important, who we ignore.

The call to follow Jesus is a call to be different than our world. It’s a new way of living and loving.

To help us do this we encourage you to follow the scripture reading outline. As we engage the Scriptures and see
our stories in the story of Jesus and his upside down kingdom, use the guideline below to help you reflect. You might want to use a journal to help you.

Read: Read the Scripture passage slowly. Don’t rush. Pay attention what stands out for you and what questions get stirred up. Read it again.

Reflect: What does this Scripture say about who Jesus is and what his kingdom is like? What does it say about what it means to be a disciple, follower, apprentice of Jesus? What is the Spirit saying to you (and to OCC) through this Scripture?

Pray: Listen to what God is saying to you through this Scripture and respond to God in prayer. What do you want to say to God? What do you want to ask God? Pray your thoughts, desires, feelings, needs, worries, hopes.

Live: What is one way you can live into what God is saying to you through this Scripture? How will you “get into action” by practicing trust and obedience?

the upside down kingdom

Over the next few weeks, we are exploring what it means to live in the upside down | right side up kingdom of God. We will be examining money | sex | power | hospitality | forgiveness | & other aspects of living in the Jesus way.

Neema Choir

Neema Children’s Choir is coming back to Ontario
They will be here at OCC on Sunday 12 May
@ 10am