Acts 13


In the opening verses of Acts 13 we see the power of the gospel to reconcile people who you would think there is no way they could ever be reconciled, and, the gospel’s power to overcome our pasts as God creates a brand new people, a new community

/ May. 24th 2016 / Acts 13

Acts 12


This Sunday we reviewed Acts 1-12 & then looked at how our God is so much bigger than any of our answers to the questions of suffering how the mission of God keeps moving forward

/ May. 16th 2016 / Acts 12

Mother’s Day 2016

Mother’s and Faith There are 3 files here: Elaine Jarvis – The Hat Lady (with assistance from Alan Jarvis) Joy Sawatsky Barb Fox

May. 9th 2016

The Good Life 2


We have all been asked the question: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” But how do we find the answer? How do we discover the life God created us to live? In this sermon, Pastor Mike looks at how to understand our identity and calling.

/ Apr. 10th 2016 / Matthew 3

The Good Life 1


In John 10:10, Jesus tells his followers that he came to give the abundant life – the good life. Sadly, few people experience the life Jesus intended. Everywhere we look, we find competing ideas of what the good life is. For some, the good life is the dream of financial security and wealth. For others, it’s … Continue reading The Good Life 1

/ Apr. 4th 2016 / John 10