10 December 2023 | Advent | Michael Bells

Posted by occwebsite
10th Dec 2023

Thank you for joining us on-line!
OCC is made up of people who are meeting in-person and who are meeting on-line.

Remember we are currently showing the video of the service on a week’s delay. The video goes live at 8:00am
So this video is from Sunday 3 December 2023 but is being shown on 10 December 2023, pastor Mike is speaking in both the on-line and the in-person service

  • This video is the end of our series in James
  • The in-person service and the next week on video is the beginning of our Advent series

God calls all of us into his presence:

He calls us to be together both with him and with one another;
He calls us to wait with and for him;
He calls us to serve & bless others – those who are part of God’s kingdom and those who have not yet responded to God’s grace.
As you prepare to watch our service video, we encourage you to take a few moments…

Get your coffee or tea. Settle in, be still…
Take some deep breaths… in and out… breathe.
Invite the Lord to make himself present with you as you watch – he is with us.

Slowing during Advent

Remember to be checking out News & Updates during Advent for images and posts on slowing down enough to be present.


6:30pm Youth