Jesus Creed 10

Posted by occwebsite
29th Sep 2021

This month we have been reflecting on the Jesus Creed as Jesus’ way of spiritual formation

Hear O Israel, the Lord our God.
The Lord is One.
Love the Lord your God
with all your heart,
with all your soul,
with all your mind
and with all your strength.
The second is this:
Love your neighbor as yourself.


The “one thing needed” for spiritual formation is consistent attending to Jesus – heart, soul, mind and strength.

Exercise 1

These are words of Jesus on spiritual formation.
Over the month of September: read – memorize – recite – reflect on these words daily.
Bask – sit in his presence and his love. Learn that love. Trust that love.
Take a few (or many) minutes to prayerfully read the Jesus Creed.
Allow this reminder of what we are called to be and do, shape our thinking and our actions.

Exercise 2

How much of the day are you “attending to” or “abiding in” Jesus?

  • What distracts you? What breaks down your attending to or abiding in Jesus?
  • What practices or habits do you use to help you attend to or abide in Jesus?
  • When you read the Scriptures, is it “informational” or “formational“? Why is regular Bible reading important in living out the Jesus Creed?

Brother Lawrence in his “The Practice of the Presence of God” wrote:

I do this simply by keeping my attention on God and by generally and lovingly aware of him.”

  • Think about your own practice of abiding in Jesus and how you can read the Bible more “formationally.”
  • Sometime today read and reflect on these verses: John 15:1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9


Listen to the words of Jesus “Remain in me and I will remain in you” (John 15:4a).

  • Do you genuinely believe these words?
  • Do you hear these words as a promise from Jesus to you?


Imagine what your day (today) will be like when you attend to Jesus and abide in Jesus consistently.

Begin today – now – to consciously abide in Jesus.