Gospel of Luke Tweets

Posted by occwebsite
01st Apr 2016
1 Birth announcements – John & Jesus; Mary & Elizabeth bond; prophetic words from Mary & Zechariah; John born #Lk1 #gospeltweet
2 Birth of Jesus: Angels announcement to shepherds; Jesus dedicated; prophetic words-Simon & Anna; Jesus at 12 in the Temple #Lk2 #gospeltweet
3 John the Baptist prepares the way for Jesus, calls people to repent; Jesus is baptized; Jesus’ family line #Lk3 #gospeltweet
4 Spirit leads Jesus into the wilderness-temptations; Jesus rejected; declares his mission, preaches, heals, casts out demon #Lk4 #gospeltweet
5 Jesus calls Peter to fish for people; heals a leper & a paralyzed man; calls Levi, accused of eating with the scum; new wine & new wineskins #Lk5 #gospeltweet
6 Pharisees freak as Jesus breaks Sabbath laws; 12 chosen; people healed; Jesus taught: blessings, suffering, love enemy #Lk6 #gospeltweet
7 Jesus heals a Roman officer’s slave at a distance; raises a widow’s son; reminds John B who he is; anointed by sinful woman #Lk7 #gospeltweet
8 Women following Jesus; parables of scattering seed, the lamp; real family; J calms storm; heals demon possessed; heals in response to faith #Lk8 #gospeltweet
9 J sends out the 12; Herod is confused; J feeds 5000+; Peter: You are the Messiah”; transfiguration, J announces his death; heals demon possessed; great in the Kingdom; opposition; cost of following #Lk9 #gospeltweet
10 Jesus sends out 72; all entrusted to the Son; “Love God with all you are, love neighbour as yourself”; good Samaritan #Lk10 #gospeltweet
11 Teaching on pray; anyone who isn’t with me opposes me; hiddenness of gospel; religious law crushes people #Lk11 #gospeltweet
12 Hypocrisy, money & possessions; be ready for the Lord’s return; Jesus isn’t all nice & sweet – he causes division #Lk12 #gospeltweet
13 Call to repentance; Jesus heals on the Sabbath, tells a series of parables; the way to God’s Kingdom is narrow #Lk13 #gospeltweet
14 Jesus heals on the Sabbath; you are invited to the banquet, do you make excuses; the cost of being a disciple #Lk14 #gospeltweet
15 Jesus tells stories (Parables) of the lost sheep, the lost coin & the lost son … welcome home #Lk15 #gospeltweet
16 A shrewd? manager then there are kingdom ways. Parable of the rich  man & Lazarus – respond now #Lk16 #gospeltweet
17 Don’t tempt others, keep on forgiving, exercise faith, not all who are healed thank God, signs of the coming Kingdom #Lk17 #gospeltweet
18 Stories of persistence for justice, how we see ourselves before God, welcome kids, hard for the rich, blind man sees #Lk18 #gospeltweet
19 Zacchaeus responds despite others, parable of servanthood, triumphant entry then Jesus weeps over Jerusalem & clears the temple #Lk19 #gospeltweet
20 Jesus’ authority challenged; wicked farmers (religious); taxes; marriage & resurrection; Jesus raises some questions #Lk20 #gospeltweet
21 A widow’s offering; signs of the beginning of the end #Lk21 #gospeltweet
22 Judas agrees to sell out Jesus; the last supper; praying in the Garden; arrest, betrayal, Peter denys, before the council #Lk22 #gospeltweet
23 Trial before Pilate; crucifixion, death, burial #Lk23 #gospeltweet
24 Resurrection! Jesus meets some followers on the road to Emmaus, appears to the disciples, promise of the Spirit; ascension #Lk24 #gospeltweet