19 February 2023 | Disciple 7

Posted by occwebsite
19th Feb 2023

Thank you for joining us on-line.
OCC is made up of people who are meeting in-person and who are meeting on-line.

Welcome to OCC online | 19 February 2023

God calls all of us into his presence;

  • He calls us to be together both with him and with one another;
  • He calls us to wait with and for him;
  • He calls us to serve & bless others – those who are part of God’s kingdom and those who have not yet responded to God’s grace

As you prepare to watch our service video, we encourage you to take a few moments…

  • Get your coffee or tea. Settle in, be still…
  • Get some bread & juice ready for communion part way through the service
  • Take some deep breaths… in and out… breathe,
  • Invite the Lord to make himself present with you as you watch – he is with you – it’s just that often we are not aware that he is.
  • Focus on the reality of God’s Holy Spirit not just with you but in you.

Today we are part 7 of our series on growing – maturing – multiplying disciples.

Here is the link to the PowerPoint Show and the Notes.

Sunday Evening


meeting at OCC @ 7pm

Reading the NT

In 2023 we want to read through the New Testament together.
This plan by the Navigators takes us through all 260 chapters at the pace of a chapter a day (about 5 minutes a day).
It’s a 5-day/week plan, recognising that there are always times when we need a day or two to catch up.

Click on the link to download the reading schedule and join us in seeing the New Testament come alive in 2023.


Small Groups

Everyone needs and desires to be in relationship, in community. Being involved in one of our Small Groups is a great opportunity for you to find friendship, accountability, and a group of people you can do life with. Currently, our groups are meeting online, Wednesday or Thursday evening at 7 pm, although some groups will start to meet in person soon.





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