Prayer Ministry Training

Posted by occwebsite
22nd May 2019
God demonstrated his love to us by sending his son, Jesus. Jesus demonstrated the Kingdom in very practical and real ways. The Holy Spirit is in us to demonstrate the Father’s love to those around us – our neighbours. We are invited and, if we follow Jesus, are commissioned to be agents of this love – to be people who expand the Kingdom of God where we live, work and

Upside Down Kingdom – week 1

Posted by occwebsite
01st May 2019
We start our series The Upside Down Kingdom by looking at Luke 14:1-14. Here we see that the Jesus way... the way that Jesus announces... the way of the Kingdom... really is upside down. To live and love like Jesus means that we take our cues from him, not from our world. And this is especially true around who we value, who we count as important and less important, who

The discipline or practice or prayer of examen

Posted by occwebsite
11th Feb 2019
We talked about the discipline or practice or prayer of examen on Sunday. Here is the basic outline. Use it as a way of being present in God's presence. Recall God I believe I am in your presence and that you love me Gratitude God as I look at the gifts of the day, I give you thanks, because you are the source and the giver of these gifts Grace Spirit of

Pray ON

Posted by occwebsite
29th May 2018
Prayer is one of those things that Christians talk a lot about, but don't do. Especially praying together.  And yet, we see this type of prayer throughout the New Testament. This Sunday evening - 3 June @ 6:30pm - we want to pray for our province. As you are aware, we are coming up to a provincial election on June 7. We are called to pray for those in authority over


Posted by occwebsite
19th May 2018
Prayer is one of those things that Christians talk a lot about, but don't do. Especially corporate (that's where we pray together) prayer. We see this type of prayer throughout the New Testament. Here are a couple of very specific ways we can be praying one is individual the second is corporate Ramadan We are in the Muslim month of Ramadan (started May 15). This is the time of year when Muslims