27 February Reading Revelation

Posted by occwebsite
27th Feb 2022
welcome Thank you for joining us on-line. Some of us at OCC are meeting in-person, some are meeting on-line. God calls all of us into his presence; He calls us to be together both with him and with one another; Hr calls us to wait with and for him; and He calls us to serve & bless others – those who are part of God’s kingdom and those who have not yet responded to God’s

9 January 2021 | Mark 1

Posted by occwebsite
09th Jan 2022
welcome Thank you for joining us on-line. Some of us at OCC are meeting in-person, some are meeting on-line. God calls all of us into his presence; calls us to be together with him and with one another; calls us to wait with and for him; calls us to serve & bless others – those who are part of God’s kingdom and those who have not yet responded to God’s