
Posted by occwebsite
18th Jun 2018
Here is the link to the book (pdf) The-5-Habits-of-Highly-Missional-People-11


Posted by occwebsite
18th Jun 2018
We are practicing the spiritual rhythms (practices, disciplines) of B.E.L.L.S Bless | Eat | Listen | Learn | Sent


Posted by occwebsite
18th Jun 2018
The following was part of the handout on Sunday, introducing B.E.L.L.S. Blessing The Hebrew word for “blessing” (barak) means “to empower to strength”. We seek God’s blessing and pass that blessing on to others. Bless (at least) one person this week (preferably a non-Christ follower.) Eating Sharing food has always been central to a life of community. We want to place worship and communion back where it began, as a

ONE – June

Posted by occwebsite
31st May 2018
Our JUNE ONE is food items for the Neema Children's Choir The Neema Choir is now touring in Ontario & residing in Orillia. Suggested items are: Rice, Beans, Beverages, Flour, Non-perishable food items, Gift cards to local grocery stores so they can buy meat & vegetables You can bring items to OCC. For more information speak with Lois or Ron Lepard.  

Pray ON

Posted by occwebsite
29th May 2018
Prayer is one of those things that Christians talk a lot about, but don't do. Especially praying together.  And yet, we see this type of prayer throughout the New Testament. This Sunday evening - 3 June @ 6:30pm - we want to pray for our province. As you are aware, we are coming up to a provincial election on June 7. We are called to pray for those in authority over


Posted by occwebsite
19th May 2018
Prayer is one of those things that Christians talk a lot about, but don't do. Especially corporate (that's where we pray together) prayer. We see this type of prayer throughout the New Testament. Here are a couple of very specific ways we can be praying one is individual the second is corporate Ramadan We are in the Muslim month of Ramadan (started May 15). This is the time of year when Muslims

Silent Killers

Posted by occwebsite
16th May 2018
Most of us have gotten used to the threat of silent killers. We're used to being cautioned against diets that lead to high blood pressure and high cholesterol: illnesses that quietly wreck havoc on bodies of all ages. We know friends or family members whose homes have secretly harbored the hazards of lead paint and asbestos. And we're all familiar with filtering our water and air for fear of ingesting

ONE – May

Posted by occwebsite
16th May 2018
Pick up your Baby Bottle at OCC Fill it with coins, bills, or write a cheque Let's bless the Orillia Pregnancy Resource Centre


Posted by occwebsite
03rd May 2018
Details will be posted at occweb.org/VBS Check out the link for events volunteer opportunities ways you can pray and so more more