Reading through Acts

Posted by occwebsite
02nd May 2016
At the end of April we finished reading through the Gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke & John We are going to move on over the next 6 weeks to read through the Book of Acts. We will use the same format, 1 chapter a day, Monday through Friday. Weekends are catch-up days in case you missed a day or two during the week. I encourage you to join us as

Gospel of John tweets

Posted by occwebsite
02nd May 2016
John 1 The Word was before everything, became flesh & blood & moved into the neighbourhood, and reveals God, calls disciples #Jn1 #gospeltweet 2 Jesus turned water into the best wine; purpose of the Temple & the new temple #Jn2 #gospeltweet 3 Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus about life, meaning & hope; link between believing in & obeying Jesus & eternal life  #Jn3 #gospeltweet 4 Jesus & Samaritan women: worship in

ONE – May

Posted by occwebsite
28th Apr 2016
ONE for the month of May is Personal Care items for the Neema Children's Choir Specific Items Needed: shampoo / conditioner hand soap deodorant shaving razors shaving cream toothbrushes / toothpaste bug spray vaseline snitary napkins laundry soup fabric softener hand cream

Sidewalk Sale

Posted by occwebsite
28th Apr 2016
OCC hosts a fun table during the Orillia Downtown Street Festival / Sidewalk Sale We are looking for face painters balloon animal makers popcorn makers hand out popcorn & OCC invites other kids activities set up / tear down teams ...not sure you can do that... don't worry... we'll train you It's a great way to bless our city. Sign up at OCC or leave a comment message.


Posted by occwebsite
15th Apr 2016
GOD’S MISSION “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” ~Matthew 28:18-20 “Where

Discovering Jesus 2

Posted by occwebsite
15th Apr 2016
The Bible can sometimes be a little confusing: how do we read it? where do we start? what about all these translations? or those boring passages - all those unpronounceable names? what we do with all those laws and rules in the Old Testament? how do I make sense of it all? Join us Monday, 18 April at 2pm or 7pm, bring your Bible as we explore these and other

Discovering Jesus

Posted by occwebsite
08th Apr 2016
Starting Monday, 11 April 2016 4 weeks looking at Jesus we will be looking at questions like the following & other questions you have who is he? what was & is he all about? how can we know him, listen to him, follow him? what does the bible say about him? how can we talk about him in ways that don't freak others or ourselves out? Come out & join

The Gospel of John

Posted by occwebsite
02nd Apr 2016
We continue our reading in the Gospels. This morning we start the Gospel of John Even if  you haven't been reading along with us, this is a good time to start

Gospel of Luke Tweets

Posted by occwebsite
01st Apr 2016
1 Birth announcements – John & Jesus; Mary & Elizabeth bond; prophetic words from Mary & Zechariah; John born #Lk1 #gospeltweet 2 Birth of Jesus: Angels announcement to shepherds; Jesus dedicated; prophetic words-Simon & Anna; Jesus at 12 in the Temple #Lk2 #gospeltweet 3 John the Baptist prepares the way for Jesus, calls people to repent; Jesus is baptized; Jesus’ family line #Lk3 #gospeltweet 4 Spirit leads Jesus into the

Easter Monday… and beyond

Posted by occwebsite
28th Mar 2016
This is taken from N. T. Wright, Surprised By Hope (2008) “…Many churches now hold Easter vigils, as the Orthodox church has always done, but in many cases they are… too tame by half. Easter is about the wild delight of God’s creative power… we ought to shout Alleluias instead of murmuring them; we should light every candle in the building instead of only some; we should give every man,